
I Kazakhstan Family Finance Forum

Financial markets are very dynamic and it is very difficult for a private investor who does not have the opportunity to spend a lot of time on analysis to understand the properties

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Independent financial advisor. Why do people need it?

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About the Association

The Eurasian Association of Investment and Financial Advisors (EAIFA) was formed to coordinate the actions and unite the efforts of financial specialists engaged in consulting services in the field of personal finance planning and management.

All over the world, such specialists are an important integral part of the financial market. They help people plan the achievement of their long-term goals using the most appropriate financial instruments, make the most profitable financial decisions for them, planning the financial well-being of their families.

Оur mission

Creating favorable conditions for the activities and professional development of the Association’s members by protecting their interests and organizing effective interaction and exchange of views between all industry participants. Comprehensive assistance in improving the quality of professional services provided, contributing to the growth of the level of welfare and financial literacy of the population, the formation of an economically strong society, the balanced development of the financial market.

To realize our mission, we have developed a Strategy for the development of our Association for 2023-2025, which you can find  Here

Оur goals

We work to assist our members in carrying out activities aimed at:

a) promoting the development of the financial market and the development of investment activity of citizens by assisting in the popularization and development of the financial consulting market Learn more

Оur activities

The subject of the Association ‘s activity is its implementation of the following functions:

a) interaction with central state and local executive authorities, organizations regardless of ownership forms, associations and associations of legal entities and individuals, international and other organizations in accordance with the procedure provided for by current legislation and other regulatory legal acts Learn more

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