«All-Russian Forum of Financial Education Volunteers 2024: successes, cooperation and new horizons»

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In the period from May 23 to May 25, 2024, the All-Russian Forum «Financial Education Volunteers: 5 years together» was held, which is a key event for participants of the volunteer movement in the field of financial literacy.

The event, held for the fourth time, opened the Year of the 5th anniversary of the organizer, the Association for the Development of Financial Literacy.

During the two-day work, the best regional and interregional volunteer practices in the field of financial education were presented, mechanisms for interregional, intersectoral and interdepartmental networking were designed, interactivity, educational intensives and pitch sessions were held.

Chairman of the Council of the Eurasian Association of Investment and Financial Advisers Yermek Rustembek-uly, as well as leaders and organizers of the volunteer movement from all regions of the country, partners at the institutional level and the real sector of the economy, as well as experts and representatives of federal and regional authorities were invited to participate in the event.

The final day of the forum took place at the site of the lecture hall of the Znanie Society within the framework of the international exhibition-forum «Russia» at VDNH, where an agreement was signed on the development of cooperation between the Association for the Development of Financial Literacy of the Russian Federation and the Eurasian Association of Investment and Financial Advisers. The parties agreed to create a joint roadmap of measures in the field of improving financial literacy in both countries.

We thank the Association for the Development of Financial Literacy for inviting us to such a bright and professionally organized event. We look forward to the future with confidence and hope for effective and fruitful cooperation!

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