Digital Business Day 2.0 forum

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On April 6, 2022, in Astana, within the framework of the Digital Business Day 2.0 forum, Chairman of the Council of the Eurasian Association of Investment and Financial Advisers Yermek Rustembek-uly will hold a plenary session on the development of financial literacy of the population in the context of widespread integration of digital technologies, which will be attended by representatives of the Ministry of Digital Development and Aerospace Industry, JSC National Information Technologies, NCE «Atameken», as well as the Kazakhstan Association of Blockchain Technologies.

During the forum, representatives of the public sector and the IT community, heads of venture funds and business accelerators will discuss innovative technologies and FinTech, Big Data, Artificial intelligence, Digital marketing, Blockchain, the crypto industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the challenges that digitalization brings to society.


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