The subject of the activity

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The subject of the Association’s activity is the implementation of the following functions:

a) interaction with central state and local executive authorities, organizations regardless of their forms of ownership, associations and associations of legal entities and individuals, international and other organizations in accordance with the procedure provided for by current legislation and other regulatory legal acts;

b) representation of the interests of the Association’s members in central state and local executive authorities, organizations regardless of ownership forms, international and other organizations in accordance with the procedure provided for by current legislation and other regulatory legal acts;

c) development and submission to the legislative and executive authorities of proposals aimed at improving the efficiency and legal protection of the Association’s members, participation in the development of regulatory legal acts on the functioning, development and regulation of the financial consulting market;

d) assistance in the development of the regulatory framework governing the activities and interests of the Association’s members — financial and investment advisers, financial planners;

e) development and establishment of standards and rules for the conduct of entrepreneurial or professional and other activities provided for in this Charter, the Code of Business and Professional Ethics, which establish requirements for members of the Association and regulate relations between members of the Association, between members of the Association and their clients, between the Association and its members, as well as between the Association and clients of its members, mandatory for all members of the Association, monitoring their compliance;

f) organization of events aimed at improving the qualifications of members of the Association (training programs, seminars, certifications, conferences, exhibitions, etc.) aimed at training specialists and improving their professional qualifications in the field of personal financial consulting, certification of such specialists in the field of professional activity, conducting qualification exams and issuing certificates of qualification «financial advisor», «financial planning specialist», «financial consultant»;

g) providing methodological and practical assistance to members of the Association in carrying out their professional activities, providing legal, organizational, communication and other support to members of the Association;

h) assistance in certification of goods (works/services) produced (provided) by members of the Association;

i) development and implementation of rules aimed at preventing unfair actions on the part of participants in the financial planning consulting market;

j) monitoring compliance by members of the Association with the requirements of regulatory legal acts, standards and other internal documents of the Association. laws regulating activities in the financial market, including through scheduled and unscheduled inspections, control measures;

k) ensuring the information accessibility of the activities of the Association’s members, informing the general public about their activities, including the collection, analysis and dissemination of information that contributes to the positive coverage of the Association’s activities in the media;

l) creation and maintenance of a high professional reputation of the Association and its members;

m) promotion of the Association’s symbols as a quality mark that guarantees compliance with high professional and ethical standards;

n) maintaining national registers of Association members, publishing information on the activities of Association members in accordance with the procedure established by current legislation and internal documents of the Association;

o) carrying out an analysis of the activities of the members of the Association on the basis of information provided by them to the Association in accordance with the established procedure;

p) accumulation and presentation of information to the members of the Association on the degree of reliability and other characteristics of their potential customers and partners, without violating the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other obligations imposed on the Association on non-disclosure of confidential and other information;

q) organization of cooperation of the Association with other interested Kazakhstani and foreign professional organizations;

(r) To study and disseminate international experience in the field of its competence;

s) carrying out information, analytical and publishing activities for the purposes of the Association;

t) protection of the rights and interests of individuals and legal entities – recipients of services provided by members of the Association;

u) consideration of complaints about the actions (inaction) of members of the Association;

v) promoting the well-being of citizens through improving their financial literacy, including in the field of personal finance management, financial education activities;

w) resolution of disputes and conflicts between members of the Association, etc.

Article 4.2. The Charter of the Association


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